Lighting Basics in Unity

In this document, we'll be discussing lighting settings in Unity.

When we want to add light to our scene in Unity, we can see that Unity offers us four different types of lights.


Although most games have only a Directional Light in the scene, there are also options for other types of lights such as Point Light, Spotlight, and Area Light. In every Unity scene, existing lights work in two different groups: Main Light and Additional Lights.

The main light in the scene is the main light of the scene if there is a light designated as "Sun Source" in the Window / Lighting / Environment window. If no sun source is marked, Unity automatically selects the brightest 'Directional Light' type light in the scene as the Main Light.


Skybox Renderer and Shader files have easy access to the light marked as the main light in the scene and use them for necessary shading calculations.

If there are other lights in the scene besides the main light, make sure that the Additional Lights setting is not disabled in the Universal Render Pipeline Asset used by the project.

Although there can be many lights in a scene, when the project uses the Forward Renderer path, there is a limit to how many different lights an object can be affected by, which is currently 8 lights. If the project uses the Deferred Rendering Path, this limit will only apply to materials that have passes marked as ForwardRendering in their shader, and this limit will be lifted for all other materials.

Note: You can find the Render Pipeline Asset file used by the project at Edit / Project Settings / Graphics tab, and you can see where it is located in the project directory by double-clicking.

If there are multiple Directional Lights in the scene and you want to designate the light with less brightness than the others as the Sun source, you can achieve this by marking the Render Mode of only the Directional Light you want as the Main Light as important in the inspector and marking the others as not important. If all directional lights have Render Mode set to auto and the Lighting / Environment / Sun source section is empty, Unity will still automatically select the brightest Directional Light as the main light.


Example Lightmapping Application

  1. Make sure the Generate Lightmap UV option is enabled for our models in the scene.


Since I only want interior baked lighting in the scene, I make sure that there is no light in the scene, including the Directional Light. Then, in my hierarchy, I mark the objects that will not move during gameplay as static.

  1. In the hierarchy, I mark the objects that will not move during gameplay as static. Baked Lights are not calculated for non-static objects.


  1. I create the lights I want to add to my scene and place them where I want them to be.


  1. I set the lighting type of the lights in the scene to "Baked".


  1. If I'm using URP Render Pipeline, I make sure that Additional Lights is not disabled. (Lights other than Directional Light, especially those not marked as main light, are considered Additional Light.)


  1. We open the lighting window from the Window / Rendering menu. If we don't have a lighting Settings Asset, we create a new settings asset with the 'New Lighting Settings' button. Under the Mixed Lighting heading, make sure the 'Baked Global Illumination' option is enabled. After configuring the Lightmapping settings, we calculate the lighting for the scene with the 'Generate Lighting' button.

Sonuç: "BakedInteriorVisual"

Lighting Settings


Lighting Probes

We created Global Illumination with the lightbaking process. However, if there is no light in any realtime mode in the scene, you will notice that non-static (dynamic) objects receive no light and appear dark.

If you want your dynamic objects to also receive lighting from the lights in 'Baked' mode, you can use lighting probes. Lighting Probes are components that pre-calculate and bake the lights reaching certain points in the scene.

Thanks to probes, dynamic objects check which points the probes determine the amount of lighting for, and apply the lighting they should receive accordingly.

Let's do an example application.

As you can see in the image below, there is a capsule in the scene that receives no lighting because it is not marked as 'Static'. Since all the lights in the scene are in 'Baked' mode, there is no lighting for dynamic objects. Even the Ambient Color is black, making the object appear completely dark. If we do not want to incur the performance cost of making any of the lights in the scene 'Mixed' or 'Realtime', we can use Lighting Probes to apply lighting from the lights in 'Baked' mode to dynamic objects as well."NoProbeCapsule"

Let's add a Lighting Probe Group to our scene.


After adding the Lighting Probe Group to the scene, we will encounter the default cubic arrangement. Each yellow sphere gizmo we see in the Scene view represents the location of a light probe. When we perform the light bake process again in Unity, this time, lighting calculations will be made not only for static objects but also for the locations of these yellow spheres. At runtime, dynamic objects will apply the lighting they receive from the nearest probes to themselves. "LightProbeGizmo"

To achieve a pleasing visual result, it's crucial to adjust the quantity and locations of probes carefully. It's important to ensure that probes are not contained within any mesh. Since meshes cannot receive lighting inside them, they will calculate the lighting at that point as darkness, causing objects near those dynamic objects to appear dark.

To increase the number of probes and adjust their locations, you can switch to edit mode by clicking the 'Edit Light Probes' button in the Light Probe Group component. Then, you can make necessary adjustments using the 'Add', 'Duplicate', 'Delete' options on the component.


Note: When adjusting probe locations, with edit mode enabled, you can select and move probes (yellow spheres) multiple times. Necessary adjustments can be made more easily when the Scene view is in isometric or 2D mode.


After placing probes or making any modifications to the probes, we need to regenerate lighting by going to Window / Rendering / Lighting and selecting 'Generate Lighting' for the changes to take effect.

After repeating the bake process, as you can see in the image below, our capsule in the scene is no longer dark. If the 'Blend Probes' option is selected under the Light Probes section in the Mesh Renderer component of the capsule, it applies the lighting from the nearest probes to itself inversely proportional to the distance from them.


Here, we can see the importance of the placement of probes. We need to place these probes in locations where the behavior of light changes in our scene. For example, let's consider a situation where we do not place any probes in relatively dark or shadowed areas behind a wall or object.

If a dynamic object in a dark area interacts with the nearest probes to it, and if the probes nearby are in bright areas, the object will behave as if it is also receiving that brightness.

In the image below, despite the capsule being behind the wall, because there is no probe on the side where the wall is located, it interacts with the probes inside the room, thus receiving the lighting present in the room."CapsuleBehindWall"

For the lighting provided by probes to dynamic objects in the scene to be of high quality, we should place probes in locations where the behavior of light changes. (For example, on both the inner and outer surfaces of a wall, under objects such as umbrellas or ceilings that cast shadows on both the top and bottom surfaces.)

In a scenario where we have placed probes on both sides of the wall, we can observe that the capsule now responds differently to being inside and outside the room.


Similarly, placing a probe under the chandelier in the middle of the room due to the presence of a point light and placing another probe in front of the window in the room due to the presence of an area light will enhance the quality of lighting for dynamic objects in the scene.

When we increase the number of probes in the room and place our probes where the behavior of light changes, you can observe that dynamic objects respond more sensibly to lighting."CapsuleRoomInteraction"

When adding lights to shadow dynamic objects in the scene, you can find some settings that need to be configured under the Shadows section in your Render Pipeline Asset for SRP. If you don't know which Render Pipeline Asset the project is using, you can see it from the Edit / Project Settings / Graphics menu.


- Max Distance: Determines the maximum distance at which shadows of objects will be visible. For example, Unity aims to achieve performance gains by ensuring that shadows of objects beyond 150 units in Unity units are not rendered.

- Cascade Count: Determines how many cascades will be used during shadow rendering. If shadows near the camera are too jagged or pixelated, you need to increase this number. The number of cascades directly affects performance. If the cascade count is greater than 1, the number of cascades for distant objects will be less depending on the camera distance. You can adjust how many cascades will be used at what distance using the sliders here.

- Depth Bias: Affects the distance between the shadows and the surface of the shadow-casting object. It is configured to address issues like self-shadowing in shadows of meshes with complex geometry.

- Normal Bias: Functions similarly to Depth Bias.

- Soft Shadows: If not enabled, even if soft shadows are selected in lights, soft shadows cannot be achieved.

Lightmap Data in Prefabs - Tool

Prefabricated Mode Usage

In Unity, we create our prefab in an empty scene and add the Prefab Lightmap Data component to the parent object. We select 'Prefabricated' as the implementation.


After making the necessary light settings in our scene as shown above, we generate our lighting through Window / Rendering / Lighting.

Then, we overwrite this data onto our prefab using the Bake button on the script.

If everything worked smoothly, when we add our prefab to the scene without any light sources, it will now come with its own light data, as shown below. "PrefabToScene"

Additive Mode Usage

In Unity, in an empty scene, we create our prefab and add the Prefab Lightmap Data component to the parent object. We choose 'Additive' as the implementation.

Then, we generate lighting in our scene. We press the bake button on the prefab and overwrite the lightmap data onto the prefab. After that, we delete this prefab from the scene. We save and add this scene, where we performed the Generate operation, to the build settings. We write the exact name as it appears in the build settings into the 'Scene Name' section of the prefab.

Now, whenever we spawn this prefab into any scene, it will load the empty scene where we generated the lighting, including probe data, additively, to bring the light data.